Thursday, December 15, 2011

WALLA and Friends January Movie

WALLA and Friends will present the movie, Potiche, on January 9 at the West Lafayette Library at 6:45.
It is a French comedy centering around Susanne Pujol, played by Catherine Deneuve. She is a typical trophy wife (potiche) and seems perfect as a wife and mother until life changes and she becomes a temporary CEO and takes up with a former lover. The public is welcome to attend and as always, attendance and popcorn is free.
Please note: This movie is rated R, for mature audiences only.

Trip planned for January 27

WALLA will be taking a day- trip to Radio Station WBAA, C-Span archives, and Route 66 Diner on January 27. Please reserve the date, if this sounds like a trip you would be interested in attending. The cost for the day is $20 with participants purchasing their own lunch.One more stop may be added, but details have yet to be finalized. Further information will be forthcoming. Departure from Morton Center will be at 8:30 am, arriving back at 3pm. For further information and to sign up, contact Joe Krause at 765 743 8853 or email Joe at